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Soft Surface Installation FAQ’s
The best way to prepare for carpet installations is to make sure that all your small loose items are packed up, the tops of dressers cleared off, your electronics are disconnected, and everything is moved from your closet floors. Just move loose items to a room that isn’t going to be carpeted and is out of the way of the installers.
An adult should be present at the start of the installation to go over any details of the installation as well as verify the carpet selected is correct. It is also important that any pets be out of the work site.
The installers will need an area where they can cut the carpet and store their tools during the installation. Please keep in mind that your home will be a construction project and can be quite noisy and disrupted during the installation.
It's important to know that while a good installer can minimize visible carpet seams fairly well, it's almost impossible to hide them completely.